Thursday, January 28, 2010

Computer Training!

Does it seem to you that you have a lot of things you want to get done on the computer but don't know how to go about doing them? Lately, I have done quite a few computer training sessions with people who want to get better at using their computer. If you feel like you could benefit from a training session shoot me a email or give me a call and I can help you achieve your goals. I find it very satisfying helping people understand their computers better. It doesn't matter if you need help with your email or downloading pictures to your computer, you can do it! So what are you waiting for, productivity is just a phone call away! Click here to contact me

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Everyone Starts somewhere...

This blog is dedicated to anyone who has used a computer, will use a computer, owns a computer, (or visits the library to use their internet). Now that I covered pretty much anyone and everyone, let me tell you why you should follow me down this road of computer literacy. I like to give simple illistrations and points so that you feel like you can benefit from what I have to say.

There are really only 2 types of computers. Working computers and non-working computers. If you have a working computer that is great! (Well for you anyway :) If your computer isn't working feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email. ( or 612-845-0200) And there are 2 types of users tech saavy computer users and beginner computer users. (I say beginner because once you learn enough about computers you graduate into the tech savvy computer users category. You see, you never are illiterate with computers you just aren't trained yet).

I will be using this blog for a couple different reasons. #1. Education. People can always stand to learn about their computer and I want to help people in that quest of de-mystifying their computer. #2 Promotions and Prizes. Everyone likes a good deal and winning prizes is always fun no matter what it is. #3 Interaction. I like for my customers, current and future to feel that they are being taken care of. I hope you enjoy what you read here.